The ACT Autumn Lunch is on Thursday 25 May 2017.
This year we will have a speaker – the Director of the Australian War Memorial, Dr Brendan Nelson, well known as an enthusiastic and engaging speaker.
Place: Duntroon House, meet in ante-room.
Time: 1200 for 1230 hrs. Bar opens at 1200 hrs.
Dress: Jacket and tie. Equivalent for ladies.
Cost: $50 per head.
Attendance: Members and friends. Partners are welcome.
Car Parking: Parking near Duntroon House is strictly reserved for the disabled. Please do not park here unless you really need to. All others can park along the road through Duntroon Gardens (on east side of road only) or in the Chumleigh Close car park behind the swimming pool or behind the Duntroon shops off Fraser Rd. Do not use the Duntroon House residents’ car park at the top of Plant Rd.
Meal: Meal served at table. Self-serve buffet afterwards for tea and coffee. Table wines, beer, mineral water and juice at the table are included. Pre-lunch and other drinks may be bought from the bar.
Booking & Payment by Cheque – Would you please book and pay by Monday 15 May.
Please make your cheque payable to The Duntroon Society, and send it with the form below to: John Bullen, PO Box 3284, Weston Creek, ACT 2611.
Payment by Direct Deposit: - If you would prefer to pay by electronic transfer direct to the ACT Branch account, please email John Bullen at for further details.
Queries & Correspondence – Do not respond to Peter Evans or Chris Appleton. Phone John Bullen on 6288 7312, or e-mail to
Chris Appleton
Convenor, ACT Branch
Printed Name: _________________________
Payment: $_______
Number attending: _____
Names of any guests:
E-MAIL (if new)
My e-mail address is:___________________________________