
Please note that all the e-mails below have the following extension

Duntroon Society Committee
• Chairman: C.G. (Chris) Appleton (central@...) 

Duntroon Society Newsletter
• Editor: Doctor M.J. (Mike) Ryan (editor@...) 

Australian Capital Territory Branch
• Convenor: C.G. (Chris) Appleton (act@...) 

New South Wales Branch
• Convenor: Colonel Bob Guest (nsw@...) 

New Zealand Branch
• Convenor: Lieutenant Colonel Barry Dreyer (nz@...) 

South Australia Branch (incorporating NT Branch)
• Convenor: Doug Strain (sa-nt@...) 

Queensland Branch
• Convenor: Mal Rerden (qld@...) 

Victoria Branch (incorporating Tasmania Branch)
• Convenor: Captain Roger Schie (vic-tas@...) 

Western Australia Branch
• Convenor: Mr Bob Hunter (wa@...)